DIY: Clean Your Roof

Do you remember the first day that you had your roof installed. Didn’t your roof look so impeccable and pristine? And if you take a look at it now, it probably looks all sorts of dirty. As time progresses your roof gets older, and it definitely requires some cleaning. If you have been thinking about cleaning your roof, this post is for you. Here is a guide on how to clean your roof on your own.

Cleaning your roof is not as hard as it may seem. To start cleaning your roof, what you need to do is getting rid of all of that debris. Whether we would like to believe it or not, debris can be very damaging to your roof. So much so that it can actually cause leaks. To get rid of all of that debris is quite simple. You can even use your hands! Grab a pair of gloves, a plastic bag, and get to removing the debris. If you aren’t a fan of this method, you can use a blower or a sot broom or brush.

For deeper cleaning, use a soft bristle brush, water, or a cleaning solution of choice. Be picky with the cleaning solution that you pick and use it as instructed. We have seen people use certain cleaning solutions that instead of solving the problem, make matters worse.

If your roof has moss, we recommend you get rid of it. Although some individuals like how moss looks on their roof, it can be quite damaging. Your roof’s structure can get seriously messed up with moss.

Now, if the problem you have with your roof is far more than just some grime, we recommend you get a specialist from Powell Roofing; we are here to help with all of your roofing issues.